
Expose settings to template context

In order to expose settings to the template context, you have to add the template_helpers.context_processors.settings context processor to your TEMPLATES configuration block.

When done, add a list of settings to expose to your configuration.


Settings new template context variables

If you need to add new context variables within your templates, use the set tag.

{% load template_helpers %}

{% set foo="Ipsum" }}

Lorem {{ foo }}

The output will be

Lorem Ipsum

Splitting a string

To split a string for iteration, you can use the split filter. The filter allows to pass an alternative delimiter, default is “ “.

{% load template_helpers %}

{% for item in "item1,item2"|split:"," %}
    Item: {{ item }}
{% endfor %}

The output will be

Item: item1
Item: item2

Add extra span element inside text

To add extra <span> element inside a string use starspan filter.

class SomeModel(models.Model):
  headline = models.CharField(help_text=_('Use ***my text*** to highlight "my text".'))
{% load template_helpers %}

{{ headline|starspan }}

Append a list to another list in template

If you need to join lists within your templates, use the merge_list filter.

{% load template_helpers %}

{% for element in first_list|merge_list:second_list %}
  {{ element }}
{% endfor %}

To make the result list persistent use merge_list filter in combination with set template tag.

{% load template_helpers %}

{% set new_list=first_list|merge_list:second_list %}

Add object attributes to context of included template

If you have an object with many attributes which need to be directly accessible in included template, use the include_with tag.

Suppose you have a Person model:

class Person(models.Model):
  first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
  last_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)

Define exposed attributes on it:

class Person(models.Model):
  template_exposed_attributes = ['first_name', 'last_name']

Then you can use include_with template tag:

{% load template_helpers %}

{% include_with person 'some/template.html' %}

Instead of

{% include 'some/template.html' with first_name=person.first_name last_name=person.last_name %}

It is also possible to overwrite / add additional kwargs.

{% load template_helpers %}

{% include_with person 'some/template.html' first_name='Laurel' best_friend='Hardy' %}

Using GenericTemplateView

GenericTemplateView is a TemplateView extension, that allows including static pages. The template path is encoded in url as template keyword argument, and the templates base directory can be set with template_base_dir keyword argument in GenericTemplateView.as_view call.

The GenericTemplateView can be used e.g. for template testing.

if settings.DEBUG:
    urlpatterns += [

If test templates are located in templates/mytests/… (e.g. templates/mytests/base/buttons/buttons.html) we can now hit them by calling e.g. localhost:8000/tests/base/buttons/buttons url.

If no template_base_dir or template are specified, the view will try to render index.html. For more elaborate behavior overwrite the get_template_base_dir and get_template_names methods.